Plantar fasciitis most often presents as a sharp, stabbing type of pain in the heel or the arch of the foot. Usually, the pain is reported as being the most severe first thing in the morning when taking your first few steps out of bed, or upon standing after sitting for a period of time. Dr. Jeff Harris, a sports chiropractor in Middleton specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of plantar fasciitis and other types of foot pain.
Almost all of the soft tissues in the bottom of the foot connect at the heel bone which is called the calcaneus. The calcaneus is just one of twenty-six bones in the foot. Those bones create thirty-three joints and twenty of those joints actively articulate and move to help propel you while walking or running. When some of those multiple joints are stuck or working improperly the result is a significant amount of pain and immobility. When the joints in your foot do not function as they are intended to, there is a lot of energy that builds up in the surrounding tissues of the foot. The dysfunctional biomechanics cause the tissues in the bottom of your foot known as the plantar fascia to ball up or constrict and make simple motions such as walking very painful. Left untreated, plantar fascia injuries can take years, sometimes decades, to go away.
Types of Treatment for Plantar Fasciitis
There are many types of treatment that have been shown to improve plantar fasciitis. The following treatment therapies are used by Harris Chiropractic:
Transverse Friction Massage
Graston Technique
Active Release Technique (ART)
Myofascial Release (MFR)
Our overall goal with the foot is to restore stability and mobility to the toes and ankle. There are many conditions that can be causing your pain. Our care will be tailored to your specific problem and will include the following:
Rapid pain relief
Rapid control of swelling (rest, ice, compression, elevation)
Taping and bracing as needed
Patient education with proactive patient involvement
Development of home treatment program
Joint and soft tissue mobilization to restore motion
Stability strength training
Mobility exercises (range of motion)
Hands on therapy
Sports Chiropractors specialize in treatment therapies that help remodel fascia and strengthen foot and lower leg tissues. Our innovative approach helps patients experience a full recovery and leads to a quick and safe return to regular activity. Dr. Harris at Harris Chiropractic does a thorough exam that includes a biomechanics analysis up the kinetic chain to find the root cause of the plantar fascia injury, especially if it is one-sided.
Plantar Fasciitis vs Plantar Fasciosis
One of the main differences between plantar fasciitis and plantar fasciosis is time. How long has the pain been noticeable and affecting your activity? With plantar fasciitis, the symptoms and pain are most often immediate. The fascia at the bottom of the foot becomes inflamed and painful and the recovery may take anywhere from two to four weeks. From a treatment standpoint fasciitis is easier to treat and manage, and generally the recovery time is quicker, especially when the individual seeks immediate treatment.
Plantar fasciosis is a different story. Sports chiropractors tend to see plantar fasciosis more often than plantar fasciitis. This is due to the amount of time people wait before seeking treatment. With plantar fasciosis, symptoms have been lingering anywhere from two months to several years. Treatment is typically the same, but recovery time is much longer, three months on the short end and up to six months for the most severe cases.
If you are suffering from plantar fasciitis or other foot pain and would like to make an appointment to discuss your condition with Dr. Jeff Harris call 208-424-5100.